Friday, March 17, 2006

Donna Bay

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Nokomis FL


Anonymous said...

anmtn i the mix maybe 8 tonal images for this series meaning you sound print a possible 4x12 i suggest thin blk gator board for most images definatly when blk is more than 20%

Anonymous said...

Ok not sure if i gave you the top 20 but I have given a few ideas out and will continue tomorrow think about the series see if you can't make an order of at least the ambers (amtn) i reccommended gator board but it is only necessary for prints over 8x12 if you can mount them on 1/4 or 1/8 blk foam board thats kool ask the frame shop to see a difference. I have glossy on the prints with at least 20% of blk be careful of finger prints after mounting store in a bag..I know if it were me the dollar signs would be rolling..Ask & work with the frame place let them know any & every reorder of your prints over 8x10 wil be recommended to be framed by them an