Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Like Lava

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Venice FL


Anonymous said...

ijust started and Love Love this one..I would say put it in the top 20...If printing use 5x8 (which is full frame) glossy and make sure it has none or gets any finger prints (use cotton gloves...mount to black gatorboard as thin as possble...show sample on disc of the quality & correct color LOVE LOVE

Anonymous said...

love LOVE..I just started but have to say this is awesome,...i hope to put it in a series if you print it and enter it that way do a 8x12(full frame) glossy ( for contarst) mounted on thin black gator board) this in in the top 20 and I'm only on image 2

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE the glow especially this photo could be on another planet...I put it in the top 20.. I just started(image2) I would like to make a series of it..if u decide to print it I reccomend 8x12(fullframe)gloosy print mounted on thin blk gator board