Friday, March 17, 2006

A Day At The Beach Draws To An End

Series © All Rights Reserved

Venice and Nokomis FL


Anonymous said...

just for tonal sakes I think you can do a major series shifting from all these extremes with a amber theme.........................if we had twin baby girls the one of them could be amber..thats what I feel from these prints a sense of warmth & comfort like a fire

Anonymous said...

Your talent will never stopping inhancing and I wonted you to know that when I'm feeling down I look up your web page and I feel comfert so deep in my soul that I actully smile. I mean really smile. From the inside out. Thank you for taking my breath away with out even knowing. Keep up the amazing and impowering work!!!---Crystal

Anonymous said...

Your talent continues to enhance and I am so proud of you. I just wonted to let you know that when I'm feeling down I look up your web page and your visions bring me such comfert that I actually smiled for the first time in a week. I mean truely smiled. From the inside out.....not hiding behind a dark shadow. So thank you....thank you for sharing your beautiful talent with the world and brightening a darkening soul one last time... Keep up the amzing work..all my love, Crystal